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Career coaching is about more than just finding a new career or new job. It's about helping you find meaningful and fulfilling work. Work that aligns with who you are, what you do best, and what you want and need in your life.


DIAD is a framework to develop your personal roadmap to meaningful and fulfilling work.  

  • During the Discover Phase, you will learn more about who you are through a systematic process of identifying values, strengths, preferences, and needs - as well as an understanding of where you are now.

  • The Identify Phase takes you through a journey of identifying potential careers that align with what is most important to you and what you want to do - where you want to be.

  • In the Act Phase, we work together to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. 

  • These phases take you through a learning journey, at your own pace, to help you Decide how to get to meaning and fulfillment.


The framework is useful at any phase in a person’s career, from identifying first career options to second-act careers post-retirement. The process is also useful to help individuals develop a thoughtful plan for individualized career development.

Because every individual is unique, every career coaching plan is individually designed.

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